General Information

Information about hours of operation, school fees, lunches and transportation

Hours of Operation

iSTEM is open from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm on school days. During these time periods, iSTEM will provide supervision. Parents are to be advised that if students arrive earlier or remain later than this time, iSTEM staff may not be available for supervision (unless students are on campus for a school sponsored activity).

Classes begin promptly at 8:00 am and will dismiss at 2:28 pm.

School Fees

Students will be provided essential instructional materials for courses of instruction without cost. In accordance with State law, iSTEM charges specific fees for activities and materials used in the course of instruction.

 If you believe you would qualify for free or reduced fees, please complete a free and reduced lunch application at the begining of the school year.  Fee reduction is determined by lunch qualifications.  This application is available on our forms page.

 *Any additional costs for repairs that are not covered by insurance are the student's/parents' responsibility and payable to iSTEM.

**Fees for future years may change.

 Charges may be imposed for loss, damage or destruction of school apparatus, technology, equipment, musical instruments, library materials, classroom materials and for damage to school buildings or property.  Students using school property and equipment can be fined for excessive wear and abuse of the property and equipment. Fees may be waived in situations where there is financial hardship.  Students can avoid late fines by promptly returning borrowed materials. Failure to pay fines, fees, or charges may result in the withholding of grades and credits.  Pol. 6152, 6152.01


iSTEM, participates in the National School Lunch Program and makes lunches available to students. No student may leave school premises during the lunch period without specific written permission from the Chief Executive Officer.

Applications for the School’s Free and Reduced-Priced Meal program are distributed to all students. If a student does not receive an application form and believes s/he is eligible, please contact the office at (440) 898-3283 and speak to Sarah VanDyne.


iSTEM does not provide transportation. Parents will need to check with their district of residence regarding transportation options. The Ohio Revised Code 3327.01 states that school districts may provide transportation for students in grades 7-12. If your district of residence buses high school students to Auburn Career Center, then a bus route may already be in place.